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  • Writer's pictureSandeep Nair

Metquay's Ambitious Global Project: Pioneering 'Agile-Verified' Software Development Methodology

At Metquay Inc., we are at the forefront of a groundbreaking project aimed at solving a multifaceted challenge for a global manufacturing client. They face a unique issue: managing calibration processes across diverse global locations, each with its language, standards, and practices. The solution? A multi-site, multi-language calibration platform. But the real innovation lies in our approach 'Agile-Verifed': a hybrid of the 'V' model and Agile methodologies.

Agile-Verified Global Approach

Understanding the Problem in Depth

The core problem lies in the differences in processes used by our client's global sites. Due to each location's distinct approach, this has led to inconsistencies and inefficiencies, which have been further compounded by language barriers and varying compliance requirements. What's needed is a unified system that can bridge these divides and provide a standardized approach across all locations.

Why Not Just Agile or the 'V' Model?

Initially, the 'V' model seemed a natural choice with its emphasis on meticulous planning and rigorous testing, critical for a project where precision is paramount. However, its rigidity and linear nature posed a challenge in adapting to evolving requirements and facilitating continuous stakeholder feedback, especially in a multinational context.

Agile, on the other hand, offers flexibility and iterative development, allowing for adaptability and ongoing input. However, it often lacks the stringent testing and documentation processes crucial for a calibration application's accuracy and compliance needs.

Our Hybrid Solution 'Agile-Verified'

We decided to blend the best of both worlds. This hybrid approach uses the 'V' model's structure for initial requirement analysis, system design, and rigorous testing phases, ensuring quality and precision. Simultaneously, we integrate Agile's iterative development and stakeholder involvement for continuous improvement and adaptability.

Balancing the Drawbacks

Each methodology has its drawbacks. The 'V' model can be inflexible and time-consuming, while Agile might sacrifice thorough upfront planning for speed. Our hybrid approach mitigates these issues by combining thorough planning and testing with iterative development and flexibility.

Managing Timelines and Costs

This hybrid methodology offers improved timeline management. By incorporating Agile's iterative cycles, we can make incremental progress, adapting to changes swiftly and efficiently. This flexibility allows for better management of deadlines and project costs, avoiding the extensive overhauls often required in a strictly 'V' model approach.

Adding Value to the Customer

The greatest value we offer our clients is a tailored, high-quality product developed within a reasonable time frame and budget. Our approach ensures that the final platform is not only technically sound and compliant with diverse global standards but also adaptable to the client's evolving needs. This balance of precision, flexibility, and efficiency translates to a higher ROI for our client, making this project a model for future multinational software development projects.


In summary, our project at Metquay is setting a new standard in software development for complex, global needs. By innovatively combining the 'V' model and Agile methodologies, we are tackling a unique challenge with a solution that is as flexible as it is precise, ultimately delivering enhanced value to our client.

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