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Calibration management software is a solution to manage your calibration data and generate calibration certificates in a single click. It complies with regulations like ISO 17025, FDA 21 CFR PART 11 & GAMP 5. The calibration management software lets you to create customizable forms for your organization. Metquay also lets you to create calibrations & test plans, track documentation, and review test results within the software.

Calibration Management Software or Asset Tracking Software which one should i choose?

In the current market situation, there are a variety of tools to choose from and the naming and description of these products could be confusing. To help you choose the right tool, here are a few questions that you could ask yourself 

1. Do I calibrate my equipment in-house? 

  If the answer is yes, then your need calibration lab management software ( calibration software in short). Metquay -    calibration management software is your best-fit solution. Sign up for a free trial and get started.

2. Do is send all my equipment to third-party calibration labs for calibration? 

  If the answer is yes, then your need asset tracking or asset management software. Tracefii - asset management platform is your best-fit solution. Tracefii is a cloud-based (SaaS) asset management platform that can help you track all your assets, get asset calibration due dates, upload calibration certificates shared by the vendor, etc.

  Signup for a 15-day free trial of tracefii - a cloud-based asset management system and get started. Subscriptions are    as low as $69/- a month 

Apa saja opsi penerapan saya? 

Metquay menyediakan dua opsi implementasi yaitu:  

  1. On-Premise (instal di server yang terletak di lokasi Anda).

  2. Diinstal di server cloud seperti AWS, Digital Ocean, dll.  

Either way, aplikasi Anda akan berjalan di server khusus, dan seluruh data yang Anda simpan dalam database akan dimiliki oleh perusahaan Anda sendiri. Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda jika Anda perlu berpindah server. 

Bagaimana backup data dilakukan?

Kami akan menyiapkan skrip cadangan di server yang menjalankan Metquay. Skrip ini akan mengambil cadangan data secara berkala dan Anda dapat mengamankannya ke server file lain atau lokasi penyimpanan jarak jauh di cloud.

Bagaimana dukungan diberikan?

Dukungan teknis Metquay dilakukan sepenuhnya secara online. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menaikkan tiket dukungan di portal tiket kami atau mengirim email kepada kami ke id dukungan. Tim dukungan kami akan segera menghubungi Anda dan menyelesaikan masalah. Anda juga dapat menghubungi kami melalui email atau telepon.

Apakah ada batasan untuk tidak: aset yang dapat saya kelola atau tidak: pelanggan yang dapat saya buat di Metquay? 

Anda hanya dibatasi oleh spesifikasi server yang Anda pilih. Metquay tidak membatasi Anda dengan jumlah aset atau pelanggan yang dapat Anda tambahkan ke sistem.

Dapatkah saya memindahkan data dari sistem lama saya ke Metquay?

Ya, kami dapat membantu Anda dengan migrasi data selama Anda dapat memberikan data dalam format .xls atau CSV.

Apakah Metquay memiliki fitur portal pelanggan?, berapa maksimal no: pelanggan yang Anda izinkan?

Yes, we provide a full fledged csutomer portal with asset health dashboard, calibration due alerts, calibration certificate tracking and QR code based asset tracking. There is no limit to the number of customers you can onboard into our customer portal. For more detail check out

How does Fluke Metcal Integration with Metquay work? 

If you are a user of Fluke Metcal version 10 or above, all you need to do is to get a license key for fluke MET/CONNECT and add that to the Metquay application preferences. Then all your procedures will show option to import data from MET/CAL.

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